Those who are interested in running for Lei Queen 2025, must first secure a title from your local area. There are possibly 10 local pageants being planned for the latter part of 2024. Only winners of these pageants will be eligible to compete for the 2025 Lei Queen title. Please refer to the Rules & Regulations governing these respective pageants.
The following are the local pageants that have been confirmed.
Miss Lei Aloha Hokkaido
Miss Lei Aloha Kanto
Miss Lei Aloha Kinki
Miss Lei Aloha Chugoku
Miss Lei Aloha Chubu
Miss Lei Aloha Tokyo
Miss Lei Aloha Kyushu
Miss Lei Aloha Okinawa
Miss Lei Aloha Tohoku
The following locations are yet to be determined.
Miss Lei Aloha Shikoku
Information will be updated as soon as the venue is confirmed.
Find a pageant near you and contact each producer directly.